Tufts University - Prosthodontics Awareness Event 2020
1 p.m. EDT
Time: May 29, 2020 01:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Prosthodontics Awareness Event 2020
Description: The recent unprecedented technological advancements in digital and implant dentistry have challenged previously established prosthodontics treatment philosophies and modalities. In today's fast-paced digital dentistry, it is very important that we understand how our traditional fundamental concepts and procedures are still properly used along with the latest technology in order for us to maintain the highest standard of patient care and the best comprehensive educational experience to our residents.
This presentation illustrates the importance of comprehensive patient assessment, understanding of basic concepts of diagnosis and treatment planning, along with implementation coming from critical evaluation of available literature on the most rapidly changing topics in modern prosthodontics: digital technology and implant therapy; for a complete integration of this advancements in the management of complex full mouth reconstructions.