2014 Prosthodontic Review Course
This two-day course is designed to reinforce the key prosthodontic treatment approaches that meet esthetic and functional goals expected by patients and clinicians. The course illustrates and outlines key concepts based on evidence that will interweave diagnosis, planning and treatment to achieve the objectives established for every project.
Friday, September 12, 2014
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Loyola University Water Tower Campus - Kasbeer Hall25 E. Pearson St.
Chicago, IL , 60611
This course is intended for dental professionals who would like to stay up to date on the latest trends in the prosthodontic specialty, prosthodontists who want to become board certified, residents who are taking the board exam and dental professionals who are interested in the specialty.
Course Director
Steven J. Sadowsky, D.D.S., F.A.C.P.
University of the Pacific, Department of Integrated Reconstructive Sciences
This course has been approved for 15 credit hours.
Registration Fees - Prices will increase by $100 after August 20.
Member: $895
Non-Member: $995
Students/Residents: $395