

Journal of Prosthodontics News  

Digital Denture with Mucostatic Base and Functional Borders: A Cast-Free Digital Technique


Now online in the Journal of Prosthodontics, a new technique report on the digital fabrication of complete dentures using a mucostatic impression, co-authored by ACP Fellow, Carlo Ercoli DDS, FACP, MBA.

Workflows for digital denture fabrication generally start with either a digitized conventional impression or an intraoral scan (IOS) of the edentulous arches. Each workflow applies a different impression philosophy, either mucocompressive or mucostatic.

The mucocompressive technique relies on the application of pressure on the edentulous mucosa, while a peripheral seal and adequate retention are obtained through functional border molding and the creation of a postpalatal seal area. For mucostatic impressions, denture retention is mainly based on the surface tension forces that occur between two congruent wet surfaces, such as the edentulous mucosa and intaglio surface of the denture base.

The cast-free workflow presented in this article was developed to exploit and combine the benefits of mucostatic and mucompressive impression techniques into a digital workflow for complete denture fabrication. The proposed technique makes it possible to obtain a denture characterized by a mucostatic intaglio surface, and peripheral borders obtained by border molding and the creation of a postpalatal seal area. The entire workflow, as described, can be realized within a single digital ecosystem and can be implemented within any open system with similar functions.

Lo Russo L, Guida L, Ronsivalle V, Ercoli C. Digital denture with mucostatic base and functional borders: A cast-free digital technique. J Prosthodont. 2024; 1–5. https://doi.org/10.1111/jopr.13863


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